Loyalitas dan Pengembangan Karir Pegawai Negeri Sipil: Kajian Fenomenologis Melalui Model Sinergis Pengembangan Karir


  • Oky Nur Pratiwi Johansyah Universitas Negeri Makassar


Career Development, Synergistic Model, Career Management


The synergistic model states that career development is influenced by how employees demonstrate their skills based on their relevance to organisational planning and personal vision within the organisation. Meanwhile, many civil servants are late in developing or do not even have a vision and career development planning within the organisation so there is nothing to align the demonstration of competencies for the advancement of the organisation. This research aims to understand the phenomenon of career development of civil servants through the perspective of synergistic model. The results show that as a result of the disproportionate actuation of individual vision and organisational vision and how employees interpret roles in the organisation that drives them to make loyalty variable as the main path of career development.




How to Cite

Johansyah, O. N. P. (2024). Loyalitas dan Pengembangan Karir Pegawai Negeri Sipil: Kajian Fenomenologis Melalui Model Sinergis Pengembangan Karir . Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma, 3(1), 97–103. Retrieved from https://www.jurnal.stiakdmerauke.ac.id/index.php/jakd/article/view/70